Kissed by the sun - hair like after a long bright summer. A gentle method for radiant bright highlights in your hair with the help of our special balayage technique.
Whether a blond or brown
fulfill every dream with our balayage

For which hair and hair length is balayage suitable?
Balayage is suitable for every hair type and every hair length. We will be happy to advise you in our studio.
Is balayage harmful to the hair?
No, balayage is not harmful to the hair. The whole process can be done without ammonia.
How long does a balayage treatment take?
Balayage treatment takes at least 2 hours, depending on the length of the hair, the duration may be longer.
What is the difference between ombre and balayage?
With balayage, the highlights are worked into the hair, leaving out the roots. The freehand highlights start flowing above the roots. With ombré, a clearly visible color step is worked in from the dark hairline to the clearly lighter tips. The lighter color is only clearly visible from about ear or chin height.
What hair color is required for balayage?
Balayage is especially popular for medium to dark blonde, which transitions into a light blonde with this technique. This transition is usually also possible without problems with all other colors.
Do I need to have balayage applied frequently?
No, because the roots usually grow out softly. You can have your Balayage look refreshed after 3 - 8 months. The perfect color result will last longer if you pamper your hair with high-quality care products. In our boutique salon we carry a large selection of suitable products - we will be happy to advise you!
Does Balayage get brighter?
The color mixture of Balayage is always lighter than the natural or dyed base tone of the hair. However, a lightening is not to be expected.
How much does a balayage cost?
Since the coloring technique is based on experience, a lot of intuition and a lot of time (not infrequently 3 - 5 hours), Balayage is one of the more expensive services. The costs amount to between CHF 165 and CHF 350. In addition, there are costs for the final toner or glossing treatment.
What is the difference between highlights and balayage?
With balayage, no individual strands are separated for coloring, but the color is applied freehand with a brush, leaving out the roots. The result looks very natural with exciting, fine color accents.
Which shampoo is recommended for balayage?
Here, too, we recommend high-quality care products, we will be happy to advise you.
Why is toner/glossing necessary for balayage?
As a crowning finale, the toner/glossing treatment completes any balayage or mèche treatment. With the glossing/toner, the desired color tone is refined or refined again, orange - and/ or yellow tints disappear, red pigments in the hair are balanced, blond tones can appear lighter and cooler but also darker and warmer. In addition, the treatment gives the hair a radiant shine. This service can be booked individually as a refreshing after a few weeks if desired.
Can I book just a balayage without any other service?
With us, various main services can of course be booked individually. Balayage without washing, however, is not possible. In addition, for an optimal result, we recommend a toner/glossing treatment or a short drying for a better assessment of the result.
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Alle Preise sind jeweils individuell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse/Wünsche abgestimmt. Der Gesamtpreis setzt sich aus folgenden Faktoren zusammen:
- Ihr(e) Wunschservice(s)
- Ihre Haarmenge & -länge
- Haarmaterial
- Zeitaufwand
BALAYAGE (1/2) | 190 |
PRICES IN CHF INCL. VAT. Services including Wash & Blow-Dry or Wash, Cut & Blow-Dry must be booked separately. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.